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“Het geheim van de Chef” & lunch at The Jane in Antwerpen >> YOURLBB.TV >>

7 December 2015

discovering the chefs secrets at The Jane in antwerp

Imagine this. You sell your own ICT business, you enter Masterchef and you win! Less than a year later you launch your own recipe book with 50 recipes of the top-Chefs of Holland. To make the book ’The secret of the Chef’ Bart van Berkel did an internship in the kitchen of 10 (top)chefs of Holland. From Peter Lute to Sergio Herman. The launch of this beautiful recipe book was in The Jane in Antwerp. With a 7-course menu full of delicious meals and with one course to be found back in Bart his book. Very special to see Sergio and Nick at work in the kitchen of The Upper Room Bar. Of course I got my recipe book signed by Bart and Sergio ;-).

watch the video of the launch on YOURLBB.TV:

’The secret of the Chef’ is full with recipes of the biggest Chefs in Holland, recipes with a twist to make it achievable to prepare them at home. With ingredients that you can find in the supermarket. With every dish there is a wine or beer suggestion. Very handy, because how many times doesn’t it happen to you that you are explaining to the guy of the liquor store what you are gonna have for dinner to find out about the best drink to go along with that.
The launch of “The secret of the Chef’ was a culinary party. Just like the recipes in the book. Curious? Click here to order the book! 
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Anne de Buck

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