sunday july 17

From the editor

3 x fun things you want to do this Sunday October 16!

16 October 2016


Your best friends’ birthday, having lunch with your mom or drinks & bites with your date. Either way, the Sunday is the perfect day for some quality time with your loved ones. You and your friends just don’t know yet where to go? Check out these 3 x fun things you want to do this Sunday October 16!

1 >> bar kauffman brunch >> sunday october 16

Rise and shine! From 10.00 to 16.00 they’re waiting for you at Bar Kauffman with some delicious brunch. Pancakes, croissantsm eggs and fresh orange juice, mmm!

2 >> bottemless brunch >> sunday october 16

Also deeper in West you can get some delicious brunch! At Wilde Westen they host the Bottemless Brunch for you and yes, you can upgrade this one to a boozy brunch ;-)

3 >> poke perfect >> sunday october 16

Do you want to go out but find it a little bit too chilly outside? Then the Local Goods Market in De Hallen is the perfect opportunity. And maybe catch a movie after?

Happy Sunday!

PS: also nice for this Sunday: read one our travel books!

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