travel solo: tips voor als je alleen reist


5 tips for traveling solo everyone should know

12 April 2016

Do you dare to go on a solo travel adventure?

It might sound scary, but traveling solo is actually really great! And it’s good for your own personal development. Are you still a little bit hesitate about traveling solo? Don’t worry, we’ve all been through that scary part in the beginning. I was a bit nervous on my first solo trips as well. Today I will share 5 very important tips with you, which also have been very helpful for me on my first trips alone!

1. Be prepared

It is important to prepare your trip well. When you are traveling alone, it is completely different than when your are traveling with a friend or a group. You are alone and have no one to help you when something goes wrong. Choose a safe destination for your first solo trip, so you feel comfortable while traveling. Investigate if there are many tourists going to this destination and if it’s safe for women to travel alone. In some countries, it might help if you wear a (fake) wedding ring. I would suggest to go to a safe and touristic country or city for the first time traveling solo. You will also have to find out if traveling solo is indeed your cup of tea. A long weekend to London or Paris is a great first solo trip.

2. Plan ahead

As a couple or with a group, it is easier to fill in the time and to take spontaneous actions. On your own this is much more difficult. The last thing you want is that you get bored during your solo trip or have no idea what to do. Do research on the area and what activities there to do and what trips you can make. Since you are traveling alone, you don’t need to consider what the others want to do.

3. stay in contact

It is important to stay in contact with your family and friends at home, so they are sure you are safe. And it’s just so much fun to share your adventures with your loved ones, right?

4. Be open for new experiences and friends

One of the greatest advantages of traveling alone, is that you meet new people more easily. Whether they are tourists like you or locals, it’s fun to make new friends and stay in contact with them when you’re back home. However, be careful. Be open to new experiences and friends, but don’t let your guard down. Everybody might look nice and trustworthy at first, but this can be deceiving.

5. enjoy!

The first time might be a bit scary, but I think solo traveling is amazing and something everyone should try at least once. Try to enjoy every moment of your trip! Go on adventures, make lots of pictures and go to bed whenever you want to. Enjoy girls!

Tip: Rome, Melbourne en Kopenhagen are great locations for traveling solo, especially for your first trip. If you want a little bit more adventure and excitement, Thailand is a good choice!

What are your experiences with traveling solo? Share them with me on social media!

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