
17 x photos that make you want to go to Västerbotten in Swedish Lapland

8 August 2017

discover the beauty from Västerbotten in swedish Lapland

I’ve got to discover with my own eyes that Swedish Lapland is beautiful in the summer. Pristine nature, rivers and lakes and a walhalla for the lovers of outdoor activities. When you think of Swedish Lapland and the province of Västerbotten, you probably don’t instantly consider it a summer destination. In the summer Swedish Lapland is mostly popular among the Swedish who often own a cabin in the nature and spend their long summer holiday here. I think we all can imagine how beautiful Västerbotten looks when you go through nature by a dog sled or have a ride on a snow scooter. That’s why we’ll show you in this photo blog just how beautiful Swedish Lapland is in the summer!

17 x photos that’ll make you want to go to swedish lapland asap


svansele wilderness centre

Granö Beckasin

ansia resort

Bjuröklubb lunch

lighthouse at Bjuröklubb




nordic mojito at Bryggargatan

Café Fyren




Sjöbris in Umeå



Hard to imagine that during the winter this is all completely white and the landscape is hidden onder a big pile of snow, isn’t it? I really hope coming back here for such a winter adventure!

Västerbotten Travel Tips for swedish lapland

Are you still looking for good hotels in the region of Västerbotten or in Umeå? Then click the below button to see our shortlist with seven of the best hotels in this region of Swedish Lapland.


Check out our other blogs on Västerbotten in Swedish Lapland:

For more handy tips on Swedish Lapland you can have a look on the sites visitsweden.nlvisitvasterbotten.se and swedishlapland.com.

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TIP: discover more fun hotspots and travel tips in the books of Yourlbb DE AMSTERDAM CITY GUIDE & WANDERLUST!



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