taste chicken the peruvian way at pand10 in the city centre
Chicks and Coqs is the new concept of Pand10. Also known as the building in the city centre of Amsterdam that continuously changes its concept. First there was a beer pub with 10.000 beers and now there’s pop-up restaurant Chicks and Coqs.
At Chicks and Coqs they serve chicken, chicken and chicken. And not just normal chicken. But chicken inspired on the Peruvian kitchen. Think of chicken wings with lemon, roasted chicken and Peruvian bbq chicken, yum!
Not only the dishes, but also the interior is inspired on the colourful Peru. While eating chicken, you’ll look out on the brightly coloured wall full of paintings and texts. This new Peruvian restaurant houses here the next 10 weeks and will change of concept after. So do you crave some good snack during your night out? Chicks and Coqs is the place to be. Delicious chicken while enjoying your favourite cocktail in the middle of Amsterdam’s city centre, who doesn’t like that?